Hit the Reset Button | 10 Ways to De-Stress by Rambling

August 22, 2024 4 min read

Reduce stress by Rambling

 Most of us would say we get stressed and struggle with increased levels of anxiety to some degree. Most of the products getting marketed to us these days seem to offer some sort of stress and/or anxiety relief. So clearly there’s something in the water with most of us feeling a certain way. 

The following is a list of ten ways to get the most out of your next outing and hopefully come back feeling less stressed and more ready to be a better version of yourself:

1. Turn off the radio and drive in silence

Life is loud. We’re bombarded by information on a second-by-second basis. You don’t realize until you turn off ALL the noise how little time we actually give ourselves to think and process. When we create the space for our mind to wander, we can begin to process things that have been placed on the back burner. I like to call this “mental rambling”. It can be scary at first, because often the first things we encounter are fears and concerns, but as we allow ourselves to be present with those thoughts, we begin to let those thoughts pass and then move on towards thoughts of things to be grateful for. Let your mind go to the highs and lows just like the passing landscapes as you drive.

Smokey the Truck

2. Drive the speed limit

We know it’s tempting to get to our destination as fast as possible, but part of the point of heading out on a trip is to get a break from the routine of our extremely fast-paced and busy lives. Beginning our trip driving the speed limit helps us settle into the pace of a less hurried existence. 

Kyle phone

3.Turn off your phone

You probably need your phone for navigation. But once you arrive, power that thing off and stick it in the glove box. You’ll be amazed at how much you grab for it at first, but realize you don’t actually need to look at it for any reason right now. 

4. Ride your bike

If you’re anything like us, you didn’t just go out on a trip to sit and do nothing the whole time. Whether it’s just exploring the area around a campsite, or you’re planning to go for some proper rides, nothing clears the head like a good ride. 

UltraSwing and camp tabke

5. Find a body of water

Cold plunges are all the rage right now. Finishing a ride and spending 5 minutes in a natural cold body of water is so good for you. You will feel invigorated and if you rode hard, recover better for another ride the next day. Not into cold water? We all know hot springs are dang relaxing too. Or maybe just take a dip in the lake. 

6. Go to bed when it’s dark and wake up when it’s light

Improving sleep seems to be another popular topic these days. Since you already turned off your phone, went for a bike ride, and did a cold plunge, you’re certainly well on your way to a better night's sleep. Skip the late night alcohol and screen time and hit the sack so you can be up with the sun. 

truck camp table coffee

7. Don’t have a plan for the day

When you wake up with the sun you’ll have loads of time on your hands. You can watch the sunrise, take your sweet time making your morning coffee, and eventually get to making some breakfast. It can become a game to see how long you can stretch your morning routine out. Let this pace carry you through the whole day. 

Drop down truck camp table

8. Make lunch at the trailhead

When you’ve got a camp table always at the ready, you can make lunch anywhere you want. Trailheads can be such a great place to meet people, and since you’re committed to not being in a rush, you’ve got time to talk with anyone passing by, maybe offer them some lunch. Who knows, you might even end up riding or wheeling with them.  

Surf truck camp table

9. Diversify your portfolio

Most of us are creatures of habit. For the most part we stick to the same hobbies or ways of doing things. Take on the challenge to do something new or out of the ordinary. Every landscape has something unique to offer. Maybe you ride your mountain bike a lot, but you found a zone with amazing waterways or beach, go for a paddle or surf. Or there's a beautiful trail that doesn’t allow bikes, go for a hike. Do something that’s not in your regular routine of activities. Trying new activities does all sorts of wonderful things to the brain and body.  

10. Prepare for re-entry

Going away to seek silence and solitude is a wonderful thing. It sets us up to be better versions of ourselves; less stressed and anxious, more joy and gratitude, etc. As you drive back to real life (hopefully still in silence), use your improved clarity, gratitude, and calmness to think about how you can better support those around you; your family, co-workers, friends, etc. It never fails that quality time spent away reignites and clarifies our sense of purpose and calling.

Let us know what other tips you have for using your adventures to improve your health and wellness, and share your reasons for rambling below.

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